Redesign of header, footer, product page. Adaptation of some sections, modal window city search (for switching subdomains)
.:: Ar-parts (auto-rus)
The site is made in laravel. It was necessary to complete the site; only the main page was completed before me. I laid out the remaining pages, rewrote the store functionality from jquery to native js. Fulfilled the client’s request to implement a shopping cart like Ozon’s, a step-by-step order form, and a filter for selecting parts. Created an assembly on laravel mix webpack for chunking styles, scripts, minification. Created a gitlab ci script for auto-deployment into production, wrote autotests in Cypress for passing forms and publishing artifacts in Sentry
.:: Insan Charitable Foundation
It was conceived as a redesign strictly based on the original, but the design did not coincide with the old site. I published the latest developments. Most of the components were made without Naive UI, but for the forms I used it. The site has localization. The backend comes from an external Yii server with bitrix.
.:: Tent city Mina
The application was made for employees of a tent city in Saudi Arabia. Purpose: accommodation of pilgrims in tents. I didn’t have technical specifications on hand, but I made the application based on an audio message from the management, one feature per day. I had no idea what the final product should look like, so I initially did it on openlayers, then moved on to Yandex maps. Due to lack of support from the backend, I moved it to nuxt (for json response). The data is stored in firebase.
.:: Etf-Flashtrade
Layout of the site according to the layout. The customer suspended the project, and no funds were allocated for the second stage (backend). (problems with sanctions). The layout was done using bootstrap, and the work was uploaded to git.
.:: Lummetti
Redesign of header, footer, product page. Adaptation of some sections, modal window city search (for switching subdomains)
.:: Ar-parts (auto-rus)
The site is made in laravel. It was necessary to complete the site; only the main page was completed before me. I laid out the remaining pages, rewrote the store functionality from jquery to native js. Fulfilled the client’s request to implement a shopping cart like Ozon’s, a step-by-step order form, and a filter for selecting parts. Created an assembly on laravel mix webpack for chunking styles, scripts, minification. Created a gitlab ci script for auto-deployment into production, wrote autotests in Cypress for passing forms and publishing artifacts in Sentry